Is Implant Really Necessary?
As in all areas of modern medicine, dentistry offers patients a more comfortable life by taking the wind of technological development behind it. Widespread treatment options both restore patients to their health and produce faster and more effective solutions compared to conventional treatments.
In this sense, dental implants have an importance that cannot be ignored. Dental implants are not only offered as a treatment option in dental clinics, but are also frequently heard on social media and TV programmes. Increasing popularity of dental implants can leave a question mark in minds? The trend is rising; is it a fad that then quickly fades out, or is it an indispensable treatment option of dentistry that has come of age?
Especially patients with fear of dentistry are very curious about the answer to this question. As a dentist, I need to give some information about teeth before answering how important dental implants are among daily treatment options or why they are important.
The biggest reason why teeth are important for our health is that they provide chewing. The treatment of teeth, which are the most important part of our digestive system, and the elimination of their deficiency, if any, is a necessity of our healthy life. Apart from this, teeth are important in the pronunciation of sounds in our speech. The correct pronunciation of letters while speaking ensures that our communication is strong and our self-confidence is high. And of course, the demand for beautiful and white teeth is one of the most common reasons for applying to the dentist in terms of aesthetics.

When we experience tooth loss, these functions that have a significant effect on our lives are also interrupted. Therefore, it is necessary to compensate for this loss as soon as possible. There are several ways to replace the lost tooth. The ways to regain the tooth stand out as crown bridge prostheses or dental implants. Removable prostheses covering the whole jaw are also among the options for complete edentulous patients with advanced bone loss. If we postpone tooth loss, we will experience both the lack of the factors we have listed and the loss of hard and soft tissues surrounding the tooth. Toothlessness cannot be neglected. If it is neglected, as in every subject in life, the problem grows and reappears After all this information, we can answer the question in the title. Are dental implants really necessary?
In dentistry, we need a few helpful hints to decide on the treatment after the diagnosis of tooth loss. X-ray examination and, if necessary, imaging techniques such as volumetric tomography are indispensable. And as a result of the oral examination in the dentist’s chair, we can create a treatment plan taking into account the individual situation. Without ignoring all these conditional factors, we can say that dental implants have obvious advantages over other crown-bridge prosthesis options.
The dental implant, which is placed in the existing cavity without abrading, cutting or shaping the neighboring teeth, is the healthiest solution. After the tooth is extracted, the bone containing the root called alveolar bone in that area begins to decrease in volume. This is also called unemployment atrophy. Bone loss also has a negative effect on the support tissues of the neighboring teeth, causing the neighboring teeth to erupt vertically and fall horizontally towards the tooth cavity, as well as gingival recession. Dental implants will not only protect our health as a single tooth, but also in multiple tooth loss or complete toothlessness, and will bring our quality of life to the level it should be by incorporating all the features of the tooth.
Dental implants have been accepted by today’s dentistry schools as the most ideal treatment option that eliminates tooth deficiency without damaging and protecting existing tissues. We welcome you to our dental clinic Turkey to answer your questions about dental implants.